Career Coach Intercultural

Opportunity for students and graduates of Gottingen, July 23, 2009 study completed or end in sight what now? Just studying the Humanities aims to no clear job description. Who wants to be successful in the labour market, must sharpen his profile and have additional qualifications. At the same time the job should come personal interests contrary to opens up whole new possibilities here with the field of intercultural training. On the one hand, the jobs for graduates are becoming increasingly scarce in times of crisis and the graduates higher requirements. So, pressure is built up from the outside on students. “The personal interests are on the other side: as such as Romanist/in or Sinologe/in, there are certain cultures that has set apart in the study and which is also mostly affair of the heart” are.

Who has set its emphasis on Anglo-Saxon literature, is hardly happy with the job as city librarian even if this was the only one she could find. It is the question of how you can position themselves in the field of tension of the arbeitsmarktlichen requirements and individual interests. For humanists, an activity that is full of career opportunities and at the same time the personal passions is revealed with the intercultural trainer profession”fully integrated. As Indologist, I had hardly dared to hope, to find a job that meets my personal interests and is at the same time so many career opportunities,”says Judith Hombach, intercultural trainer at IKUD seminars. “For me, an activity in the research had not been in question I’m happy to go, get to know new people” she says. That she now can use the study of Indian language and culture as the background for their work in the field of adult education, she finds ideal. For many scholars, but also linguists or economists, an activity in terms of intercultural training-new perspectives opened. In this respect it is, time window in his accompanying training as intercultural coach to use.

Thus, it lays the Foundation for a successful independence or optimized its attractiveness on the labour market, such as for a job in the personnel area international operating companies. “For graduates who do not directly find a job after graduating, search time is an ideal stage to further education: who uses them, meets not only the needs of the labour market, but benefited personally, perhaps his dream job” to discover. A certified, practice-oriented training of intercultural trainers IKUD offers seminars since 2006. The Group of students and graduates is growing steadily, because it is clear that concrete intercultural trainer knowledge, didactics and methodology need to be learned as well as in-depth knowledge of foreign cultures of the target. The approach to develop a concrete training concept, already in training is useful and practical. Interested contact: IKUD seminars Gloomy str. 21 37073 Gottingen Tel.: +49-(0)551 3811-278 fax: +49-(0)551 3811-279… / career as inter cultural trainer.


Ditima thinks there that the dreams are brought about by demons. Must come from them deduces Aristotle later since if they only came from God would dream the probos men and is known that the worse gangsters also they dream. The stoics divided the dreams according to this peculiar agreed scale to their origin: a) Dreams that come from God b) Dreams originated by demons c) Originating dreams of the human soul I ignore the bases in which they seated his theories about the onricas sources but within his twin correspondences between the macrocosms of the World and the microcosm of the soul they did not see objection some for a continuous communication between the Cosmos and each person of whom the dreams were a renewed expression night to night. According to finado Posidonio de Rhodes the divine component of the soul can know by itself the future by virtue of its nature; in addition, it added as if he was something so obvious that all the air was not necessary to remember it is loaded of spirits who talk with the soul and what he is already known, if they want, the same Gods can speak to us while we slept in an act of surprising onrica villany. Reason why people count who he has slept side, perhaps the Gods stay dumb but I put when closing the eyes very conversador. Memory not to have spoken with Jahveh, Jupiter nor Wing. Or it is known that Gods to subalter or their cadets to us usurp the throne of the sky and surely they platican in the nights with my timid spirit, I have if it. This theory of correspondences between the macro and the microcosm can seem capricious and pilgrim and nevertheless is not more than the confirmation of the causality chain that the Physics accepts without reserves and that Hume no doubt in cataloging between our bad habits.

Nanotechnology In Cosmetics Products

Although you may not know the brand of cosmetics that you use for your face care contains ingredients with dimensions of nanoparticles (nanoingredients) able to penetrate your skin easily. What is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is a field of applied science devoted to the control and manipulation of matter at a scale smaller than a micrometer ie the level of atoms and molecules (nano). Currently working on a range of one to one hundred nanometers (100-100 nm). Question of Size To get an idea of magnitudes we are talking about then are defined length units and establishing the relationships between them. The meter is the unit length of the International Unit System.

It is called: m. The millimeter is a unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter. It is called mm. The micrometer is a unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter. It is called m and is also known as Micron (plural Latin micron). NM is the unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter. It is called nm.

1 nm = 1 x 10-9 m = 1 x 10-6 mm = 1 x 10-3 m 1 micron = 1,000 mm = 1,000,000 nm 1 nm 1 m = 1 billion m Although cell size is relation to its function, most eukaryotic cell has a diameter between 10 and 100 im (exceptions). Usually the size is constant for each cell type, independent of body size, ie, a kidney cell of a horse is the same order as that of a mouse. The difference in body size is due to the number of cells and not the size of them. Why Cosmetic manufacturers use ingredients with dimensions of nanoparticles in their products? Precisely because of its ingredients with small dimensions of nanoparticles can penetrate the skin and exert therapeutic effects. What is the Government Control of Nanotechnology? There is still no specific legislation controlling the use of nanotechnology in cosmetics and hygiene products. Nor are there sufficient studies on the safety of ingredients with dimensions of nanoparticles used in cosmetics. Of the few studies that have been done if it is known that nanoingredients through the skin and disappear. Still being studied, where they terminate. There is only the REACH legislation, current legislative framework for chemicals. Meanwhile, because the existing legal vacuum, cosmetics manufacturers including L’Oreal at the top continue to incorporate in its cosmetics and personal care ingredients with nanoparticle size. What …? possibly be thinking. For only tell that by using cosmetic ingredients on the size of nanoparticles (nanoingredients) forget the “barrier effect” or the protection it provides your skin, because these nanoingredients could penetrate the skin without difficulty, reach the bloodstream, result in any organ or tissue of the body, and penetrate their cells without difficulty. It is also true that not everything is so simple, and that our body has mechanisms to neutralize foreign agents that may prevent the “invasion” of nanoingredients. But the truth is that nobody knows what might happen and what would be the effects on their health. In the end, you decide because you are solely responsible for their health.


The transposition has been an experimental way where I have perceived answers that directly reach the body of the actor in epidrmica sensorial way/without the rational mediation that to everything tries to schematize and to catalogue. The launched actor of the transcendncia, perceives its creation to separate itself of itself, however, for being impregnated of itself, he remakes the way of the creation, in what I call refluxo, transforming the creative body into body reached for the autonomy of its proper creation. Transposition I believe that, more than what to be free, the necessary creative process to be transcendente, that is, to go beyond the first language provided that it. It must if macerated and lead for other forms power of reverse speed-transfomao and transposition. The actor, when he transgresses its body leading the creation for it are of itself, without leaving to be impregnated of itself, resignifica this creation, potencializando the same one and generating multiple constructive possibilities that are not limited to the rational agreement of the gesture or the action. He reaches it to the agreement for other layers, alqumicos places that exist in itself and stops beyond itself. Its creative process is decanted by other languages, for other ways providing a contaminating and powerful force.

Such transposition causes epidrmico to a sensorial agreement/, something indizvel however, of fort to be able communicator. Transposing itself, the actor macerates itself, only regurgitates and reconstructs itself in an intense, contagiante and after-corporal accomplishment that reaches the body again, that now as purificadora plague. Epidrmico cognitivo Estranhamento Of the transposition and maceration of hiposigno, appears nuance power with great capacity of refluxo. Such nuance, intensely reaches mago of the actor, generating a epidrmico cognitivo estranhamento, that is, something that arrives for I infect, stops beyond the reflexiva action that costuma to guide the work of the actor. Aesthetic after-corporal the aesthetic one after corporal is the trespass of the limits of the body as full element of construction of the actor.

Foreign Language

Undoubtedly, the English language – is mostly popular way of communication in international economic world. For example, observe how they learn languages, to whom – as it seems from a distance – it learns naturally, not zamorachivayas not attending English classes. What they have done differently, and that allows them to so quickly master a foreign language? Without sacrificing an unlimited number of leisure classes in English. Possibly could be surely you can as you learn English free of charge? Students who are English language which is not their native language, must penetrate the English-speaking environment, if they want to talk nice to him and to reach perfection. For what is desired in the English language basic skills in reading and listening comprehension, to allocate at least, for one hour a day mastering the morning or discussion of translations, which are now in excess of the channels satellite television, it will be specific classes in English. Initially, when you are just starting to listen, it will be difficult to understand about what was narrated, but then you get used to the intonation and pronunciation speed. Then you can compose vseobemlyuschee representation of the object of dialogue, even without knowing the detail, will be sufficient for 20-30 minutes.

Naturally, try to devote several hours a day pronunciation of English news or books – free English. Reading by your vocabulary, your knowledge of phrases, words and phrases help you understand the English language. Reading in large volumes will allow you to save a huge amount time in English class, which will not have to spend extra on vocabulary or grammar development. When you read – read aloud to simultaneously improve their pronunciation. Phonetic Alphabet to the correct pronunciation is better to form conversation with native speakers, for example, finding a companion in an Internet program ICQ. Find a buddy to rewrite and write to them at least once a day. The best method to improve the free English and writing skills to get – is to write as much as possible. The more you write, the more you understand how to apply what you vyzubrili by hearing and reading.

Make friends with native English speakers. Due to ethnic differences, this problem is quite responsible, but you can not really master the language of the classroom in English, not learning how to converse easily with his support. You have a lot of know and do well to learn to have a good dialogue with the British. Do not forget to support the conversation to ask as many questions. If you have something ask, do not let the compact, and more honest answer. For example, on someone's question: 'Do you like here? " Do not answer just 'yes' or 'no', but also explain why.

Hospitable Order

Benedicto XVI has visited the Foundation San jOse Institute, run by the church. It assures that in the society &quot is put in doubt; the inestimable dignity of vida". Several disabled patients and of the center could talk with the Pontiff. Benedicto XVI has surrounded east Saturday by patients and disabled, of children and young people who know the face the pain, and it has said to them that they are the image of God, his prridos, and that the life also is great when the suffering bursts in into her. The Pope has insisted on which the society needs to them because they contribute &quot decidedly; to build the civilization of the love " and although in that same society " too much often the inestimable dignity of the life is put in doubt, of each vida". It has been in a simple, spontaneous act, emotionally intense, celebrated outdoors, under a suffocating heat, in the gardens of the Foundation San jOse Institute, that the brothers of the Hospitable Order of San Juan de God run for more of a century. There, before patients, relatives and of workers of this institution humanitarian of the Archdiocese of Madrid, the Pontiff has spoken of suffering, the dignity of the human life, " created to image of Dios" , of compassion and company. Really, of love towards which they suffer more. To the all of them Pope its proximity and esteem have expressed them, remembering to them what already it said in his encyclical one on the Christian hope: " the greatness of the humanity is in favor certain essentially of its relation with the suffering and with which sufre". For Santo Padre, " a society that does not manage to accept to that they suffer and he is not able to contribute by means of the compassion to that the suffering is shared and also borne inner, is a cruel and cruel society ".

Cataloging With Zara – Zara And Her Interesting Choice Of Catalog

The catalogue zara has a huge influence on many people eager to buy. As it is one of the most famous clothes shops, with an interesting variety of dress habits articles and it has several very well armed locals, it is obvious that it is highlighted. Zara is publicly known to be a shop full of unique sophistication and style. Regardless of tastes, it must be said, Zara is a name fully constituted within development of the sale of the fashion, and it is always worrying to renew. All this configuration has certainly enabled us to a great reference when making our shopping. Within these options we can find entire line of trends and new styles.

They give priority to the concepts that are highlighting in each particular season, and are of course also those who combine retro styles are bolted with intelligence to the current. Possibly the prices, variety of them to be exact (ACE), is something to reference. Because finding this so renewed option makes many more people are encouraged to Discover what it actually means Zara as a basic element of choice when buying clothes. On the other hand, it is something frankly positive. And it is not because there are those who complain that there are few promotions and bargains available. This renewal in the union between quality and price makes a choice more appropriate as possible, and of course makes many (ACE) (ACE) clients feel satisfied (ACE).

Zara is a good choice always, without a doubt, for those who want to dress well at a good price. Besides this undeniable facility, there are always prepared a consultancy service for those (ACE) (ACE) clients who are undecided (ACE) on what to buy, where to do it and how to do it. Eventually, this signature catalogs are also recognized by their colorful and pragmatism. So, because both factors are attuned to serve customers very well. Stores everywhere extends just as far as possible so that this store catalogs combine so that we can pick the clothes at the right time. We forget that this modality of sale of clothing options are also on line. It is possibly a way of doing many more extensive promotions and discounts, because it is clear that it is easier to have the largest number of media to choose clothing. This is something quite admirable. Zara catalogue is rich enough to leave very happy customers. When you will discovers this way to serve the people in the field of distribution of clothes, it is obvious that combine many satisfactions around and we feel pretty backed up. Every opportunity to choose a category in the field of fashion catalogue is a great chance. A great chance that we can, indeed, empathize us more with our elections. And something that also draws attention is the constant renewal of the catalogue of Zara, something that certainly certifies his avant-gardism in fashion, his commitment to Ref:

The Phenomenon Blackberry

All we know the mark blackberry, that in the last months has become all a sensation between the young people of average world. If we thought about blackbery two years ago we remembered, it like the moving body of the industralists, since to being one of the pioneers in allowing to receive and to send emails he was very useful for this sector. Nowadays, with the development of online and the Social Networks, Blackberry has been positioned like a young moving body, in its economic version, than it allows its users to be connected without having to resort to the traditional calls. One of the characteristics of its expansion is the great amount of new applications that contribute, becoming direct competitor of Apple and after, the entrance of android in the market, competing with them also. We do not want to leave of comentaros the great welcome that have the accessories blackberry, between which emphasize the great variety of covers, free loudspeakers, hands and cables adapters among others. But already we know that the fashions are fleeting. What marks will prevail between young people in two years? I fodder that Nokia has to us kept an Ace in the sleeve.

Caribbean Green Amber

Caribbean amber – music of the soul, tears of the Sun, modern antique and popular piece of jewelry for everyone. Green amber gives each jewellery modern originality and at the same time verbidnet the ancient to the present. The green amber music of the soul, tears of the Sun, modern antique and popular piece of jewelry for everyone. Our company SCHMUCKBID produces beautiful article with the Caribbean green amber. Earrings, rings, necklace, pendant, arm bath the color of amber is due to the changes in the tree resin, and can differ considerably: yellow to Brown, with a translucent honey-colored glimmer, or a milky shade of yellow, red, blue, black or even green. Amber at these there is a natural amber, i.e. we can find in nature.

Amber music of the soul is the color of amber by the changes in the tree resin caused and can differ significantly: yellow to Brown, with a translucent honey-colored glimmer, or a milky shade of yellow, red, blue, black or even green. Amber at these there is a natural amber, i.e. we can find in nature. The only natural green amber is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala and Venezuela. He is a rarity, which nowadays is gaining more and more popularity at the. The Caribbean green amber has appeared in the trade only in 2006 and is considered a novelty that makes us look at this ancient gem by the new direction.

Bernstein, as a symbol of love, strength, happiness, healing, protection and peace, has become to the gem that is beloved by many people: no matter whether it chain to a Berstein – earrings with amber, amber pendant or just a raw, found in the natural stone. The delicate green stands for nature, spring, Renaissance Bernstein is one of the oldest and popular to this day jewelry and healing stones of the world. He is about ago 40 45 millions of years from Baumhartz created the leaked from the wounds of pine and other softwoods and hardened in the air, sunk by water, ice, and surf in deep sedimentary layers, filled by newly formed rock layers and over millions of years under air pressure and amber has become. Caribbean green amber gives each jewellery modern originality and at the same time verbidnet the ancient to the present. The green amber music of the soul, tears of the Sun, modern antique and popular piece of jewelry for everyone.

Understanding Your Metabolism

Listen to what your body wants decirle.a Each has a different metabolism and body also reacts differently to the various programs and plans to lose peso.a Fast Try changing your program to be compensating for the reaction of Body. The exercise program should be according to your body because the exercises are in accordance with their capabilities, all may not be exercised with the same intensity over time can best be achieved capacidad.a If walking is all I can do, this is the best ejercicio.a Muscles burn more calories than fat, so it is better to have muscle and be able to achieve their goal. Fourth: Eat more fiber, this makes your body feel the sensation of fullness sooner and stays in your stomach longer, slowing the time of the digestion.a A single serving of whole grain bread can move the fat through the rapidamente.a digestive system grains help level the sugar levels blood. Thus, the body feels more energized and ready to determine when it will begin to burn fat or store. Fifth: Keep away from fried foods especially because they contain a lot of grasa.a Although fish and chicken appear leaner, this white meat can contain more fat when fried a fat meat of why vaca.a recommended diets based on foods that are grilled, not containing fat and contain less fat after you cook your food. Sixth: Take liquido.a good amount of consumption of at least six to eight glasses of water a day, keeps the body restaurado.a Because weight loss depends on how the body removes excess body hence body must stay hydrated. All in all, discipline and persistence are still the best practice and the key to success in achieving rapid loss peso.a light diet, training, and the right amount of supplementation applied to daily results will regularly and changing old habits, will help your weight down, all these actions are your best allies to achieve their goal.