
Ditima thinks there that the dreams are brought about by demons. Must come from them deduces Aristotle later since if they only came from God would dream the probos men and is known that the worse gangsters also they dream. The stoics divided the dreams according to this peculiar agreed scale to their origin: a) Dreams that come from God b) Dreams originated by demons c) Originating dreams of the human soul I ignore the bases in which they seated his theories about the onricas sources but within his twin correspondences between the macrocosms of the World and the microcosm of the soul they did not see objection some for a continuous communication between the Cosmos and each person of whom the dreams were a renewed expression night to night. According to finado Posidonio de Rhodes the divine component of the soul can know by itself the future by virtue of its nature; in addition, it added as if he was something so obvious that all the air was not necessary to remember it is loaded of spirits who talk with the soul and what he is already known, if they want, the same Gods can speak to us while we slept in an act of surprising onrica villany. Reason why people count who he has slept side, perhaps the Gods stay dumb but I put when closing the eyes very conversador. Memory not to have spoken with Jahveh, Jupiter nor Wing. Or it is known that Gods to subalter or their cadets to us usurp the throne of the sky and surely they platican in the nights with my timid spirit, I have if it. This theory of correspondences between the macro and the microcosm can seem capricious and pilgrim and nevertheless is not more than the confirmation of the causality chain that the Physics accepts without reserves and that Hume no doubt in cataloging between our bad habits.