Health Education

Demand health education 11. Drug use 12. Sex Following are the results sorted in the selected areas. Findings on physical exercise One of the behaviors that we promote socially and from the educational institution, is related to exercise, because within the school there is a time and place fixed for the area of Physical Education in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate matter scheduled with the same name. It is also a school activity chosen by the majority of students and increasingly girls, and enjoying, with rare exceptions, a great success among students. . The results are: Nearly half of the students play a sport every week or every day (49%). Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as garden furniture by clicking through.

Only a tenth of them says not to make any sport. More than half perform activities such as walking, bicycling, playing … Never ever 5% 42% 19% Every week Every day 34% Those who do sports, they usually employ one-half hours to 4 hours a week. Most students do sports in the street, followed by the field or school. More info: Yael Aflalo. Public sports facilities are the least used, 57% of students say they can access sports facilities while 35% who have difficulty accessing them. Check out Academy of Art University for additional information. Only 8% say they know them. This leads us to believe that despite having access to facilities, not used because they prefer to develop their sport in the street. The perception of themselves regarding their fitness is high, since only a third said it was moderate, one-tenth that bad compared to 65% who think it is very good or good.