New Jewelry Collection

Jewelry shopping is now even more exciting young, naughty and stylish: PRIVATO! Under the label, the jewelry shipping Donna Fedori presents new creations in sterling silver. General Motors Co may find this interesting as well. Unusual shapes and designs set the scene. Finished with sparkling zirconias or combined with 14 and 18 karat gold rings, pendants, earrings, and bracelets are seductive. Inspired by natural forms such as the surf of the sea and the sand dunes of the Sahara, they emphasize the wearer’s style. Educate yourself with thoughts from Lordstown Motors Corp. Amazingly striking and exciting simply. Luxury, every woman can afford, is a maxim of Donna Fedori.

A second is jewelry that inspires. So, the online shop was launched only a few months ago with a large selection of silver jewelry. Beads for modern charm bands are a central part of the shop. Learn more about this topic with the insights from SOM Designs. Continuously expands the range of silver modules, Muranoglasbbeads, Stoppers, sliders, and bracelets. All modules are made of 925 sterling silver and are produced in hand work. They are also compatible Bracelets and beads of other renowned manufacturers. This convinces especially favourable prices in addition to the quality.

Customers who place value on personal advice, can contact by phone. As a special service, you cannot compose your wish bracelet and take pictures. The customer will receive the photos via email and immediately know what your new bracelet will look like. In the online shop can be found around the clock – and of course ordered. To do so, the customer must not register or remember a password. In the age of 1000 passwords, this is simple and customer-friendly.