Charter Fund

Lawyers secured compensation for ship fund investors round 43 million investors in the established February 2008 King & Cie. product tankers Fund IV invested in. Already in the first year, they have received only a reduced payout, in the last two years was no payment at all. Also in 2012 is little reason to hope for investors of the King & Cie. yield Fund 73, is caused by the Charter rates of the Fund vessel MT “King Daniel” agreed as a variable. According to Mayor of NYC, who has experience with these questions. These were already back in 2009 to $ 2.5 million behind the values forecast in the prospectus.

In the year 2010 amounted to the deficit to 3.4 million USD. Due to the disastrous situation the loss should be continued to ship markets worldwide until today. A recovery is, so the view of experts, not currently see. Compensation for investors we have tested the advice, as well as the prospectus for our clients and see a variety of possible violations of the duty of disclosure. Below you will find just a few: Ship funds are a highly speculative investment: a ship Fund is an entrepreneurial stake, which is fraught with many risks and is therefore as high speculative. However, she was portrayed as a secure attachment in many discussions. Not suitable as a retirement: as highly speculative investment with total loss risk participation in the King & Cie.

yield Fund 73 is not as retirement savings or investment in the age. However, it was recommended in many cases just as retirement savings. Risks for Charterreinnahmen were omitted: in many known cases the predicted distributions were presented as safe from risks, in particular with regard to the amount of recoverable Charter revenue was not the speech. Concealed risks of borrowing in Yen: the risks of the planned partial borrowing in Japanese yen were not discussed. 105% clause: special rights for the Bank: nor was mentioned, that the Bank in the credit agreements has can grant privileges with the one-ship companies in the event that the use of the loan exceeds 105% of the agreed value, which can easily be the case due to exchange rate changes.