Thuringen InStr

Who uses the possibility has new to make a grand entrance hall, a successful collage to create perhaps the chance of many individual portraits, that will leave a lasting impression of the company for each Viewer as a figurehead. Banks, insurance companies or service providers of any kind: here is the opportunity to remodel the Office and at the same time to use it for advertising and visibility. Particularly interesting is also the possibility to use these pop art images for the permanent broadcasting on a flat screen. Multimedia is today particularly in many areas and is also here apply effective used. Old stock photos can be prepared by the pop art r23 Scanservice on request and to the pop art image used for the conversion. So also owned long ago retired founder can find his picture in the former premises and the Executive Board thus refers to the many years existence of the company and without the overall impression by an oil painting look to disrupt dusty. It is therefore time to take care of the artistic transformation of the working area.

Newly designed environment will stay during working hours for customers, employees and visitors to a new and colorful surprise. This pop is kind of the photo the prerequisites for the creation of easy to implement way r23 in pop, and keeps what it promises. Copyright image material / r23 Ralf twenty-three, VG BILD-KUNST, Bonn 2011 photographer: Ralf twenty-three source images company description is an online shop for art lovers, hip people and friends of unusual taste and offers pop art artworks for your own motives and photos as posters or on canvas in various sizes. You can choose the motif as 1-fold, 2 times, 3 times or 4 times. Experimentation in the photo selection is allowed and encouraged.

A cell phone photo or a professional image by are no limits a photographer, an automatic image or a simple passport photo, the selection. We make art from your photo. Company contact: r23 Ralf zamani Thuringen InStr 20 58135 Hagen Tel: 02331 / 9 23 21 29 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: r23 zamani Ralf Thuringen str. 20 58135 Hagen Tel: 02331 / 9 23 21 29 E-Mail: Web: