Five Steps

Today, manufacturers of furniture offer many different options and easy to get confused, especially if you need to create a comfortable interior small-sized apartments. I suggest a few guidelines to help You will get exactly the thing that will last you a long life and will become an indispensable part of the furniture ensemble room. …

Kitchen Furniture

The term "classic" comes from the Latin classicus – standard, standard, procedure. Classicism prevailed in Europe in the XVII-XIX centuries. It was based on the desire to revive the ancient Greek ideals of beauty. Many of the rules and canons inherited from the classical ancient art. Europe has refused to excessive luxury, pretentiousness, as embodied …

The Floor

It was the guest options that were not intended for everyday use, there are now Reinforced cots, which are suitable for everyday use. – The most convenient is withdrawable version, called the telescope, when from under the seat extends an additional plane, and the difference in height of two levels is compensated by pillows. The …