
Do if we look around we can see that approximately only 1 out of every 20 people is reaching your goals in life: financial, professional, personal, spiritually, health, etc. What does that 5% to get what you want? Every decision is important.Successful people make these small decisions every day, day after day, all the time. However most of us tend to postpone making decisions because he believes that it is not important and that it will do so later. But what they don’t take into account is the compound effect of delaying those small daily decisions that eventually results in a string of things that we have failed to do. Basically all take the same actions every day: we eat, we sleep, we think, we speak, we listen, etc. We all have 24 hours a day a year 8,760 and each of us fill those hours with a sequence of tasks that sometimes can seem trivial and insignificant.

The difference between being successful or not lies in knowing make the right decisions even in those small tasks that we have to perform every day, every hour, every moment in every step we take and every action that we perform. Each decision has the power to lead you to success or failure. For example: If you make the decision to read 10 pages of books or positive items that affect your philosophy every day. A week in your life change? Of course not, but in a year you’ve read 3,650 pages, approx. 15 books! which surely if it will have a massive effect on your life. If on the contrary, pospones that decision and instead of reading you dedicate yourself to playing or watching television, will destroy your life? Not in the short term you will not notice changes but in a year you’ve stopped accumulating knowledge that you would serve to achieve your goals. When you take the appropriate decisions, you won’t see results right away at least not on the same day. We must understand that success is not built from one day to another.

Success is the process, not the destination, something that you experience gradually over time. Success is the progressive realization of a valuable idea if we take 2 exactly similar people and give them both equal opportunities, one succeeds, the other is not; one WINS, the other loses why?It is not a matter of luck, time, destination, intelligence and abilities. People are desperate and cry out by formula, the secret, the Guide to improve their lives, the plan. Currently, there are more information, guides, and products on this topic than there has ever been in the history but that is not the answer. The secret is to change the way that you think. It is understood the attitudes that are behind your actions and focus them with an attitude positive. A positive philosophy takes you to have a positive attitude, resulting in positive actions that lead you to have positive results that conclude in a positive lifestyle.