Hospitable Order

Benedicto XVI has visited the Foundation San jOse Institute, run by the church. It assures that in the society &quot is put in doubt; the inestimable dignity of vida". Several disabled patients and of the center could talk with the Pontiff. Benedicto XVI has surrounded east Saturday by patients and disabled, of children and young people who know the face the pain, and it has said to them that they are the image of God, his prridos, and that the life also is great when the suffering bursts in into her. The Pope has insisted on which the society needs to them because they contribute &quot decidedly; to build the civilization of the love " and although in that same society " too much often the inestimable dignity of the life is put in doubt, of each vida". It has been in a simple, spontaneous act, emotionally intense, celebrated outdoors, under a suffocating heat, in the gardens of the Foundation San jOse Institute, that the brothers of the Hospitable Order of San Juan de God run for more of a century. There, before patients, relatives and of workers of this institution humanitarian of the Archdiocese of Madrid, the Pontiff has spoken of suffering, the dignity of the human life, " created to image of Dios" , of compassion and company. Really, of love towards which they suffer more. To the all of them Pope its proximity and esteem have expressed them, remembering to them what already it said in his encyclical one on the Christian hope: " the greatness of the humanity is in favor certain essentially of its relation with the suffering and with which sufre". For Santo Padre, " a society that does not manage to accept to that they suffer and he is not able to contribute by means of the compassion to that the suffering is shared and also borne inner, is a cruel and cruel society ".