Russian School

Eighteen months ago, according to the Russian school was dealt a mortal blow. Putting teachers' salaries directly dependent on the number of children in classes, pseudo-reformers hit the village school. After all, the extinct village children all less, and therefore class size low. In Mozdok district, the granary of North Ossetia, on the verge of …

Health Education

Demand health education 11. Drug use 12. Sex Following are the results sorted in the selected areas. Findings on physical exercise One of the behaviors that we promote socially and from the educational institution, is related to exercise, because within the school there is a time and place fixed for the area of Physical Education …

Tinnitus Herbal Medicine

Long since used herbal medicine for treatment of different diseases or symptoms as it is the case of tinnitus or tinnitus. There are many plants with proven properties healing or soothing of this type of condition, which often cannot find answers in formal medicine in nature. Among the plants to be used as a natural …

Marylebone High St

If want to feel the Christmas way large and ostentatious, then New York is the perfect place. Each December, New York City is transformed into a winter paradise of decorated streets, where the flagship stores, such as Macy s or Saks Fifth Avenue, marvel with their Christmas Windows. Rockefeller Center usually assemble a giant tree, …

Basic Contents

The workshop with game aimed at to provide to the teachers a pedagogical activity, of playful nature and that it was capable to promote the development of the reasoning logical-mathematician, the reading and the writing, with the possibility of application in contribution and classroom with the prxis educational in the units of education. Word-key: Game, …


If the "Technical MEC had been consistent, they should write this word: ora s ion. 11 .- In the case 18 surprise the word "hai" and "eskrivir." So what '? We use the word "Guarani" hai "or loan Castilian" eskrivi? 12 .- Another inconsistency or become very evident in the 18 is the presence of …