Flash Player VISh

Interactive Flash Player VISh4 provides video tutorials ‘online’ WINDACH, April 20, 2011 – VISh4 UG published for the first time to facilitate video tutorials the installation and integration of interactive Flash VISh4 in your own website. In a multimedia world, it becomes increasingly important to visualize complex issues. Therefore, we have decided to create a series of video tutorials that help our users to approach the topic of moving images on your own website in a simple way”, as Uwe Schlecht, CEO of VISh4 UG. The first two video tutorials dealing with the issues of downloading and installing the supplied demo environment, as well as installation of the Flash in the live environment. Tell how to clearly and simply download the media player loaded (download), in a demo environment installed and tested and installed in its own live environment clearly within 5 min. each may. In addition, the videos show how one familiar is with the key features and how to choose from such as the desired Player skin can.

The instructional videos can be seen on MrVISh4, the VISh4 channel of YouTube, as well as on the website of the provider. Moreover, you can download the video tutorials for mobile devices such as IPhone and IPad. More video tutorials are planned and will deal with control of interactive functions, and asset management. The objective of VISh4 is an interactive Web Player”available to, which meets the needs of the website operator and its visitors without in-depth IT skills and the need for extensions. The Flash Player VISh4 and VISh4Joomla are available in the basic version available for free download at vish4.com. There the commercial versions VISh4 Pro, VISh4 enterprise and the VISh4Tourism industry solution at low cost. You provide more interactive features from the fields of design, advertising, social media & communities, editorial and back-office. VISh4: VISh4 is a dedicated, young software company with the focus moving to online media.

Maxim is to implement customized solutions that provide high added value for the company, as well as for your viewers. This mission will be supported and surveys with regard to new technologies by market trends.

Classes Nationwide

Teachers24.de – the national portal for tuition In February 2009 Portal teachers24.de was successfully launched the nationwide tutoring. Provides individual tutors for all subjects and classes is from elementary school up to high school. This deal with the tutor to the Elimination of gaps, assist in preparation of presentations and exams and assist in understanding and applying of the current curriculum. Right now the certificate final spurt the rush on tuition is high. The demand for the three classic math, German, and English is the highest expected. This tuition is used increasingly by elementary school students, to receive the coveted recommendation for the high school or to improve existing high school marks.

In the first three months, over 1000 tutors have registered rising. Most of you are professional teachers students on teacher training, trainees, trainers or native speakers who bring the necessary practical experience, and since several years already successful tutoring type. Some tutors have also further experiences in dealing with learning disorders, such as ADHD or dyslexia. All the teachers set the hourly fee, the minimum rate for 45 minutes of tutors is located at 6,-. Thus, private tutors has become a low-cost alternative to group lessons at institutions and is attractive for low-income households, which are so far been marginalized by high prices for tuition. The concept is very simple. The tutor have meaningful profiles that can be called by parents and students. A detailed search and sorting functionality available is registered users.

The appropriate tutor is usually quickly localized based on different characteristics. Questions whether this is available be sent independently by parents and students. The teachers respond directly. For more specific information, check out Vadim Belyaev, Moscow Russia. Aims at providing quick and low-cost of tuition. Ideally, a tuition agency can within Minutes come. As special innovation, there are the collection request, the parents and students at the same time to contact up to three tutors. The tutor, who reacted fastest receives the order. This increases the chance quickly to find a qualified teacher and saves valuable time. Afterwards will be decided individually between parents and teachers when and how often the individual tutoring should take place.

Germany Statutory

The care level I means a significant level of care, the care level II means a severe need for care and the care level III insurance compared who was 5th pillar of social security in Germany, the legal nursing care insurance, initiated a Schwerstpflegebedurftigkeit in 1995, as a result of demographics in the falter in Germany. Anyone who is a member of a statutory health insurance is resident in this legal insurance. The the legal care insurance benefits can be provided only on request. Who has the right to what level of benefits, a reviewer to decide. Basically, any legal insurance care from this insurance has a claim that is because of a psychological, a mental or physical disability unable independently to carry out the tasks of his daily life. Services from the statutory long-term care insurance requires that a prior period of coverage be proven however, can.

Paid services for a placement in a nursing home, but also for the care from the statutory long-term care insurance are at home. In the framework of the statutory long-term care insurance, there are three levels of care. The care level I a considerable level of care, the care level II a Schwerstpflegebedurftigkeit means a serious need for care and the care level III. The care services offered within the framework of the statutory long-term care insurance, are not to compare with the care provided within the framework of the statutory accident insurance. The care of statutory accident insurance are only intended that these care services occur when it is only a temporary loss of labor, so also not hopefully completed disability insurance must occur. The care of the statutory accident insurance are only one, if the need for care arises from an accident, on the route from work to home or vice versa, or on work happens.

The Past

I discovered I had deep-rooted belief of "do not deserve money" because once I heard my father talking with a friend about a bank account opened and which was providing 20% of their income to make it grow quickly. I was about nine years and was hidden behind the curtain listening to the conversation when his friend asked my father if he was saving for the education of their children, to which my father said no, that this money was for himself and for his age and that we were going to have to fend for ourselves if we wanted to study. That conversation between my dad and his friend was very well etched in my memory as a negative and unconsciously draw conclusions about money, about not deserve this money and having to manage on my own if I wanted to get ahead in life. I realized I was alone and that my father loved me. I suppose that these findings dictated the economic deprivation that drew for several years because I never forgot that conversation and I very much even with the passing of time. But one day while taking a course of spiritual growth, guide told us that it is possible to change the past in our minds, because that's where there and also urged us to change various events of the past because that way we change our future. The idea of changing my past in order to change the future seemed great, I felt as if something inside me scream of joy and jubilation. .

Ramon Gallegos

(Maharishi, (2009). Another educational program that stands out for its features is a Japanese teacher named Kanamori, which bases its teaching in the pursuit of happiness by learning to think of others, he says, this is the key to happiness "from the bottom of my heart." (Kanamori, 2008). highlights the relevance of holistic approach, because it is the first comprehensive knowledge about us, offering a total view of reality through a Holarctic model of wholes / parts, where everything is whole and at the same part of something bigger, exceeding the traditional concepts of hierarchy and heterarchy. For more clarity and thought, follow up with N.Y.C. Mayor and gain more knowledge.. (Gallegos, 2001) New scientific input, support and give substance to what holistic education raises, that man is made not only by matter and mind, but so is a spiritual realm that is inherent in holism and Dr. Ramon Gallegos makes a big contribution, with the creation of the holistic model of intelligence ", which certainly helps to clarify the levels of happiness. It refers to the worldview that gave us , (the three eyes of knowledge) that then revisits one of the most prolific theorists of our time, . For even more details, read what Bill de Blasio says on the issue. "A man with one eye can not see well the reality, all you see material and measurable, the vision will be partial. (..) The three eyes that are powers of consciousness allow us access to three areas different apprehensions of knowledge, areas of direct data, mental and intuitive: (Gallegos, 2001). For St. Bonaventure, all knowledge is a kind of Illuminati that allows us to illuminate what we want to know: the eye of meat known sensory objects, conceived as the primitive or crude manifestation of God.


If the "Technical MEC had been consistent, they should write this word: ora s ion. 11 .- In the case 18 surprise the word "hai" and "eskrivir." So what '? We use the word "Guarani" hai "or loan Castilian" eskrivi? 12 .- Another inconsistency or become very evident in the 18 is the presence of the "g" (nasal) in "hagua." This point-and-past was "struck off" by the MEC but surprisingly reappears in this "tekst" (that is text in the Guarani). But, oh, surprise! the "g" (nasal) 21 disappears in the case because there is written "hagua" without tilde. What is it: incompetence or neglect or inconsistency or all three together at the same time?. As for the "g" thing does not end there, because on the last page of the book is an exercise that reads: "Fill the Castilian alphabet for words with the letters w, x, h, ll, q, y.

In Guarani: g, g (nasal), j, h, ch, y, y. " This is the last straw: is there or not g and g in the Guarani of MEC? . 13 .- Also, in the case 18 we found another inconsistency because the word "kuaderno" separated from "d" by a hyphen (kuaderno-pe). The script is only used when a postponement "pe", "me", "gua" or "gui" joins foreign word. However, in the case 25 we find the word "glossary" united-unscripted-a postponement "pe" (ie glossary). So how are we? Kuaderno and the words " glossary Guaranised words or not? And if they are Guaranised why one is written together with the postponement and in the other case, is separated by a hyphen like foreign?. .

Perennial Philosophy

It defines five levels of all mandatory so I think we should start talking about what spirituality is, as this is the basis of education for the XXI century. We will be brief in describing it, more than anything, the goal is to have a general idea of the concept. The holistic paradigm can not be related to religious beliefs, dogmas and rituals. Religion as an institution and manipulative dogmatic ideologies of human groups, has no place in the holistic vision. For its part, spirituality is something we can not deny is the awareness of ourselves in the world and the universe, is the essential nature of man, which is able to perceive beyond beliefs, dogmas and institutions.

The Perennial Philosophy tells us that our spiritual essence is pure, pure consciousness, is the discovery of our true essence. Spirituality is an inner experience, immediate and direct our original nature, belonging to all, not based on adhering to some external, but to assume responsibility for their own enlightenment. Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava says that spirituality is the recognition of our pure consciousness, is the recognition of the wholeness of life, this (spirituality) has nothing to do with religions, sects, ceremonies or something like it, is a full experience, is to perceive the wonderful being that dwells in us is the direct experience of this immeasurable universe, this brings us to the egocentric Kosmocentrico, from the personal to the universal, to transcendence. As if I could say that spirituality is self-knowledge, I consider spirituality as the essential nature of man I believe is the foundation of all genuine education, and that spirituality is not religious belief, beliefs are not the essence of spirituality , spirituality is an immediate and direct experience of the transcendent, universal love.

European Furniture

Make housing dreams come true! Bamboo furniture with Klimanpassung as the giant grass quickly regenerated bamboo, the controlled removal contrary to the tropical timber not damaging affects the ecological balance. The cultivation of the plantations by suppliers is carried out without the use of pesticides. Selected culms at the age of about 3-4 are cut in height by about 1 m above the ground years. Only part of the medium, just used for the construction of our bamboo furniture, bamboo beds, four poster beds of approx. 6 m. After careful selection of the most beautiful bamboo for furniture production, is the elaborate peeling and extensive removal of interior walls, the so-called nodes.

Then the professional and tedious adaptation takes place”through the furnace. The bamboo to the cracking is prevented only by a very elaborate oven drying. This special procedure the moisture be deprived of the bamboo tubes. Only the withdrawal this humidity, the heat of the oven, allows processing of bamboo pipes to high-quality bamboo furniture, bamboo beds, four poster beds without subsequent cracking through the European climate. This gentle yet very complicated and costly process ensures not only the bamboo against known cracking but also against the mold – and beetle infestation. Cracking, beetle infestation and mold, which we solve by oven drying, be the problem normally at low-cost carriers”fought through attached chemistry. Many low-cost provider”advertise with gentle drying process in climate rooms this caution is announced! the problems can be solved only by harmful chemistry! Only by oven drying receive high quality and refined bamboo furniture, bamboo beds, four poster beds! Marc Gardiner

Shop Modern Furniture

Modern Miami furniture stores can be great places for shopping. These stores may have a wide variety of furniture to help you equip your home properly. All this depends only on what you’re looking for. en. Where start when he goes shopping for furniture stores in Miami? It is difficult to tell exactly where begin because choosing the correct store is imperative to properly decorate your home. Click N.Y.C. Mayor to learn more. Type of chairs they put in the dining room or in the living room can have a big impact in his mood, as well as the State of mind of those who come into your modern home. How, then, can you determine how furniture you choose to decorate your House will affect your state of mind?Well, the first thing you should consider is the color of the room.

A room of white walls that is decorated with black furniture will give a very different feeling to a room with walls of blue and white furniture, or in a room with a light orange tone in the walls with Brown furniture. Each combination of colors you can choose for your living room can change every aspect of the room, so choose the color scheme carefully and decide how you want the rooms in your House to influence on the mood of the person who enters the room. Sometimes, in a room that does not have lots of natural light, you’ll want to keep the walls in colors whites to make the room appear larger. Sometimes you will want to make a mixture of colors, so that some walls are dark colors, while others have lighter colors. Then you will be set to that dining room tables for example, when we speak of this space of your home, and other furniture tones help to enhance colors, and really believe environment suitable for your home. When you make purchases of furniture in Miami, you should think about each room before you begin designing it. What the purpose of each room and how to? be used by your family? Think that way really can do to change the design of a faint vision in your mind to really viewed in your living room. And sometimes the colors used in your room or in the dining room, not relate so well with the rest of the House, such as the bedroom or Office. These two rooms are visited only by a small number of people, so it can better reflect the personal taste of those who use it; While the rooms open and collective may be requiring different features to accommodate different users of the home.

The Furniture

Do not store a little of every thing. Connect with other leaders such as N.Y.C. Mayor here. The best is packing room by room, must be numbered boxes and can also put a special color to distinguish them from the boxes of other rooms. Don’t forget to make an inventory of each box. Identify with color and multiple faces which contain fragile objects. For the articles heavy as books, use small boxes that may carry or move easily. The dishes must be packed separately and carefully. Dishes you should pack them with plastic bubble and place them inside the box vertically, they are more resistant against hard knocks. Then fill the gaps with crumpled newspaper.

The cups should wrap one by one in plastic bubble and keep them standing. Labeled with strong colours with the word fragile in several of their faces. Sticky tape to seal boxes, should not use it directly on the furniture, then it will cost much to remove glue and may damage finishes. Clothing is stored in large garbage bags and more delicate clothes in special boxes with bars for hanging. Electronic appliances, is best to move them wrapped in blankets and tied with ropes.

A moving without organization can be chaotic and full of unexpected ending exhausted and with altered nerves. Yes you plan in advance with a proper organization and coordination, will be relaxed and dreaming of their future in the new House. Both if you decide to hire the services of a moving company as if you decide to do it by yourself, in this section you will find helpful hints to make the transfer easier.